What Are the Criteria of Choosing RC “Crystal Avenue”? We Share the Secrets and Details of the Complex’s Construction Progress


RC “Crystal Avenue” is changing every single day. The first stage of construction at Oksamytova St., 9-A has façade works completed on the first floor, and we started improving the outdoor area. Office entrance lobbies are almost done, façade lighting is being installed; the whole building gets finished appearance.

In the hallway we installed glass-fiber mat and plan tile setting within several days. For safety reasons we provided two stairwells: internal and external. For the convenience of our residents we plan to install goods elevator and passenger elevator. They will access all the floors as well as underground parking. We completed the installation of one of the elevators, and it’s being tested. We’re actively working on providing elevator management system – the cable is laid for the elevator attendance button.

Gas piping is complete in the apartments, and installation of heating radiators is in the process.

Basement level is coated and has sanitaryware installed. Also, fire security works and waterproof finishing are being performed. Vertical cast-in-place works are done in the parking area. We started waterproofing, installation of the roof and electric wiring. Concrete is poured for the foundation of the transformer station.

The second building at Oksamytova St., 11-A has the sustaining walls installed.

What are the criteria for the investors to choose RC “Crystal Avenue”?

Firstly, the quality of construction. The buildings are raised from ceramic brick, insulated with mineral wool; the façade is vented, which is very good for the microclimate in the apartments. Noise insulation is also thought through. The walls consist of gas concrete blocks 100 mm, mineral wool plate air gap 50 mm, and one more layer of gas concrete blocks 100 mm. Other construction companies have to use up to 8 bags of plastering to make the walls even, but we have very smooth walls. And only one bag of plastering is enough.

Secondly, location. On one hand, it’s close to Kyiv Beltway Road and metro, which is very important for fast transportation; on the other hand, the place is next to a lake and right in the middle of the nature of suburban area.

Call us: (044) 499-2599; (067) 663-9452. Our Sales Department is at the following address: Petropavlivska Borshchagivka, Soborna St., 14-A.